Petunia was raised as an orphan bottle-baby and she lives at the barnyard instead of with the other sheep. She’s…
Summertime is piglet time, and here’s Matilda with her day-old babies. Matilda is a Red Wattle cross with a little…
Our Working Farmstay guests help out with all the farm activities. One of the fun adventures is moving the goat…
After morning chores are finished, the interns take a break for a midmorning rest and a bite to eat. It’s…
It’s an exciting time when the tomatoes really start to bear. On the mountainside at 3100 feet, our farm is…
Our very mellow llama, Shiloh, just loves to be hand fed. Kids love to feed him—and so do grownups!
In late summer it was time to do some doctoring on Matilda’s piglets. Now, our Red Wattle Hogs are extremely…
In our valley of Big Sandy Mush, history is very much alive. Our neighbors still mostly live the way their…
September is a kind of “take a breath” month. It’s a busy time, but not crazy like the summer months…